office:  (717) 225-6357


Pastor Martin e-mail:


The Outreach-Fellowship Committee is to develop and carry out strategies in the areas of Church Growth, Outreach and Fellowship in the life of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, Stoverstown in the following areas:

  1. Strategy for Church growth
  2. Organize a visitation program
  3. Follow up on inactive members
  4. Follow up on visitors
  5. Provide sponsors for new members
  6. Provide membership classes
  7. Recruit and train greeters
  8. Recruit people for different functions that involve evangelism
  9. Plan in fellowship time
  10. Advertise special events held at the church
  11. Provide training for and work with the Called To Care volunteers
  12. Maintain church membership roll in cooperation with Financial Secretary
  13. Responsible for maintaining church directory
  14. Work with St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Stoverstown to plan Covenant events
  15. Recommend budget amounts to Budget Committee by September meeting


    1. Serve a one-year term – beginning in February each year (can serve consecutive terms)
    2. Prepare an agenda and preside over committee meetings
    3. Communicate actions of the committee to Consistory
    4. Work with the pastor and church staff
    5. Communicate actions and coordinate with other standing committees
    6. Recruit members on behalf of the committee
    7. Help and promote programs of committee
    8. Communicate necessary information to newsletter


    1. Serve a one-year term beginning in February each year (can serve consecutive terms)
    2. Take minutes at meetings
    3. Ensure that minutes are given to the church secretary by Wednesday before Consistory meeting
    4. Get biography of new members for a newsletter article


    1. Serve a two-year term beginning in January each year (can serve consecutive terms)
    2. Evaluate committee membership needs as directed by Consistory
    3. Serve on sub-committees involving Evangelism Church growth and Fellowship
    4. One youth delegate.


Called To care is a voluntary ministry of persons who have received training and are willing to respond to special needs of our members and neighbors. It is a network available during crisis and emergency situations. A coordinator is responsible for contacting the volunteers. Persons in need of help contact the coordinator or the Pastor. Visiting shut-ins and those in hospitals and nursing homes – providing respite care, providing transportation are examples of services provided.